AWS Exam Voucher - Professional & Specialty Certification (Retail)

AWS Exam Voucher - Professional & Specialty Certification (Retail)

Valid for 12 months from purchase.

USD $300.00

Role-based and specialty certifications that validate advanced skills and knowledge required to design secure, optimized and modernized applications and to automate processes on AWS. Dive deeper and position yourself as a trusted advisor to your stakeholders and/or customers in these strategic areas. Learn about each AWS Certification exam here.

Once you place your order, you will receive a confirmation e-mail from This e-mail includes your exam voucher number -- you need this number to register for your exam. It is important that you provide a valid e-mail address and that your system does not block messages from

Vouchers purchased are only for use in taking your exam with Pearson VUE and are not valid in Japan. Vouchers expire twelve months from date of purchase. Exams must be scheduled and taken on or before the expiration date of the voucher(s). The specific expiration date will be sent with the voucher number via email. All sales of exam vouchers are final, no exceptions.